Logos journal was published annually from 1989 to 2009, in which its periodicity was increased to two issues per year. During the same year, a transition process of the journal from print to digital format began, incorporating the open system OJS for the management of electronic journals. In response to the need of the University of La Serena to increase the volume and quality of research, the Logos journal is part of the joint effort of the Academic Vice-Chancellor, the Research Directorate, the Library System Directorate, the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Arts and Letters of the University of La Serena. 

During its history, Logos Journal has been the dissemination medium chosen by prestigious authors at a national and international level. Logos has undergone various improvements, such as the strengthening of its advisory and editorial team, the achievement of a stable budget, the link with other academic programs of the corporation such as the Master in Discourse Studies. With the launch of the Portal de Academic Journals of the University of La Serena (http://revistas.userena.cl/), in 2012, many of the objectives mentioned above were specified. These new forms of dissemination allow Logos to comply with all international criteria of the best indexes in the academic world.

Vol. 33 No. 2 (2023)

Published: 2023-12-31


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Vol. 34 No. 1 (2024): Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura