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This article is the product of one of the chapters of the research work entitled "The manager as a psychoanalyst: from the theoretical exercise". Which shows that the current administration requires the acceptance of the individual so that the subject recognizes and recognizes others as related beings. Hence, it is argued that in the administration both the power and the subject are determinants to glimpse the human being in the company and give it a leading role. Also, that seeks to contribute to the theoretical development of the human sciences in the administration, referring to the human being that resides in the organization from a psychoanalytic perspective, addressing as a main theme the power as a reference that makes it possible to clarify the behavior of employees in organizations. With This theoretical proposal seeks a reflection, and problematizing the manager and his intervention in the employees and in the unconscious processes that generate conflicts in the groups since the speech. For this purpose, bibliographic references with psychoanalytic inclinations based on Freudian theory were used. As they are Agejas (2010), Crozier (1990), Cruz (2013), Foucault (1988), García (2009), Vargas (2009), among others. This in order to broaden the horizons of analysis, from the understanding of the human and social phenomenon of organizations.
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