Service-Learning Model: A practical application in an Organization Theory course

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Loreto Morales-Acevedo


The accelerated increase in knowledge, technology and globalization demand important changes in tertiary education, demanding the incorporation of other types of skills required by this new world, such as adaptation to change, innovation, flexibility, among other aspects (Allen and Van der Velden, 2011). The focus of the training process, unlike the traditional model, is on the student, which generates particular attention to the development of skills, and innovative and inclusive methodologies that promote the development of comprehensive professionals, prepared to face the current challenges of his field. Higher education in Chile is not immune to these new challenges that impact the quality and capacity for change regarding the training processes of its professionals, together with the expectation that institutions position themselves as a motor for local development (Zabalza, 2002).

In this sense, Learning and Service (A+S) is a methodology that seeks to generate experiential learning in the student, linking it with the community, thus generating a virtuous circle, which allows students to develop techniques and skills that are essential in disciplinary professional training, and to develop their personal skills and their consequent territorial social responsibility. Also, it allows to reconcile the technical capacities in the organizations of community partners, the promotion of favorable conditions for their organizations, businesses or enterprises. This methodology has been defined by various authors (Amat & Miravet, 2010; Puig el al, 2007; Vickers, 2004; Furco, 2002; Eyler et al, 2001; Bringle & Hatcher, 1995), which they essentially consider as its defining elements. which is an experiential pedagogical methodology, at the service of the community, which promotes reflection as a key element to deepen knowledge and which involves genuine support for real needs.

The purpose of this work is to present an application of this methodology in the Organization Theory 1 course of the Auditor Accountant career of the School of Commerce of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, to a community member of Valparaíso, which is It was based on a systemic model that aims to evaluate from the perspective of the three main actors involved, that is, teachers, community partners, and students, the activities associated with learning and service.


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How to Cite
Morales-Acevedo, L. (2023). Service-Learning Model: A practical application in an Organization Theory course. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 25(1).


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