Chile versus the extension of the Argentine continental shelf

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Daniel Rigoberto Álvarez Soza


The proposal initiated by the Argentine Republic on April 21, 2009, regarding the extension of the outer limit of the continental shelf before the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLPC), would cause effects, the consequences of which would have important implications and variations of this maritime zone regulated by the 1982 Sea Convention, which, fully complying with the law, according to current international regulations, would be reorienting, from a geographical and ocean-political point of view, the position in terms of projection, of the sea floor and subsoil, of the oceanic presence demanded by the Argentine State.

This, seen from the point of view of a preparatory act, regarding the Argentine claims on the Malvinas Islands and the Antarctic territory, both cases subject to pending foreign policy conditions and arranged in different legal grounds.

Although the arguments presented fully comply with legal conditions based on resolutions and international treaties in force, the consequences of this initiative promoted by the Argentine Republic, in our opinion, embarrass or at least limit the interests and rights of Chile generated by it. action, on the one hand, due to the occurrence of marine overlaps observed over southern national waters and the sovereignty of Diego Ramirez Island; as well as the alteration of the principle of the territorial continuity of Chile over part of the Antarctic territory with which our country maintains an expectable situation from the historical, juridical- diplomatic and geopolitical point of view, all arguments recognized by the international community.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Soza, D. R. (2021). Chile versus the extension of the Argentine continental shelf. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 23(I).


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