La Jurisdicción Internacional frente al Nuevo Derecho Internacional como medio de solución de las Controversias y su implicancia Constitucional comparada

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Daniel Rigoberto Álvarez Soza


From the controversies arising from illegalities or arbitrariness related to the norms of international law, it is possible to find situations that have been the object of their study in recent decades by the doctrine. Thus,  we have those specifically committed between States as well as those verified by State agents against the population and foreign citizens and even in a modern interpretation also against foreign States, whose promotion is the strengthening of international peace, having as fundamental importance to the human person, today considered a protagonist in his capacity as a subject of international law. Importance that has been invigorated, among other aspects, by the immigration transhumance driven by the concurrence of factors of economic, political, and humanitarian implication.

    It is because of this that there has been a coincidence between both public and private international law, where the former seeks to strengthen and ensure peace between state and certainly those who integrate it, assuming here a significant role institutions of law private international regarding the observance of its own institutions such as personal statute, patrimonial status, compliance and observance of resolutions coming from foreign courts in addition to the rules of resolution in matters of conflicts of attributive laws, qualification and respect of acquired rights.


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Álvarez Soza, D. R. (2021). La Jurisdicción Internacional frente al Nuevo Derecho Internacional como medio de solución de las Controversias y su implicancia Constitucional comparada. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 22(II), 22–40.


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