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Cristian Daniel Blanco Alfaro
Karin Yanett Ortloff Núñez


One of the main questions that arise in the current Chilean educational system is centered on university graduates, focusing on the remunerations of them and the factors that affect their variability. Authors such as Castell (2013), and institutions such as the Labor Directorate (2017), make reference that aspects such as gender difference, experience and the acquired perfection become relevant.
Hence, this research, aims to show how the variables affrect: Years of work experience, sex, area of work, computer skills and social skills, in the remunerations of graduates of the Public Accountant Auditor Program of a house of Higher Education studies, focusing on those graduated between 2013 and 2015. Information that is not available yet.

This study has a quantitative paradigm, a non-experimental design, a type of correlational descriptive research and a transversal scope. Where the main techniques are focused in the survey and statistical analysis, and as a complementary technique, a series of interviews with strategic agents.
The main results obtained account for: a) .- The remunerations of the graduates of the Audit Program of the University under study, have a constant increase over time, b) .- The Audit area, is at the head of the remunerations obtained by the graduates in the first 3 years of experience, c) .- the graduates of the Audit career of the University in question, receive higher salaries than women d) .- the computational skills, have no a significant effect on the remunerations of these graduates, and e) .- the social skills developed, are determining in the remunerations.


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How to Cite
Blanco Alfaro, C. D., & Ortloff Núñez, K. Y. (2020). VARIABLES THAT AFFECT THE REMUNERATION OF AUDIT HOLDERS (2013-2015). UNIVERSITY OF LA SERENA. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 22(1), 52–71.


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