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Manuel Francisco Bandeira


In the current context of economic crisis and openness to domestic and foreign private investment, Angola has the opportunity to make the tourism sector strategic in the process of economic diversification towards economic and social development and to occupy a prominent place given it its natural-cultural potential and human resources willing to work. We are convinced that in the fight against poverty in Angola, tourism, properly planned through the synchronization between the government (public sector), private (business), NGOs and communities of destination and other related agents, the sector has a decisive role to play. Through bibliographic search, comparative study, structured interviews and geographical excursions the present work proposes strategic guidelines and action, some of them followed by some African countries that may serve as impetus to develop tourism activity in rural areas, so that in the future, we can attract more international tourists by offering products-services that are in line with sustainable tourism; properly planned, well managed and inclusive.



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How to Cite
Bandeira, M. F. (2020). TOURISM AS A POVERTY FIGHTING INSTRUMENT: REFERENCE TO RURAL AREAS IN ANGOLA. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 21(2), 92–102.


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