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Javier Gómez Maturano, Sr.


Climate change, depletion of natural resources, precarious working conditions, loss of social guarantees, are reasons to rethink the traditional production model based on "extract, make and discard". Consumer pressures, environmental and social norms and even the interests of companies, make supply chains seek the development of sustainable practices, incorporating environmental care and social responsibility among their objectives. In this context, the evaluation of supply chains becomes necessary as part of the diagnostics of the productive sector and how they are aligned with sustainability. The objective of this paper is to present a general overview of the research on the evaluation of sustainable performance in the field of supply chain management. More than a compendium of indicators and evaluation techniques, a theoretical and methodological discussion of the implications of including sustainable objectives to analyze and evaluate the sustainability of supply chains is presented. Based on a review of the literature in specialized databases, a framework of analysis of the proposals for the evaluation of sustainability is outlined. The review focuses on finding structural elements of the evaluation process published until 2016. As a result, sustainability approaches that trace the "should be" and allow contrasting and valuing are identified. Second, the performance dimensions: social, environmental and economic. It is found that the evaluation proposals can be in three axes of analysis. It is identified that methodological elements are necessary to guide the evaluation towards the identification of social and environmental deficiencies and risks, which entails a management of the supply chain with a strong sustainability focus.


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Gómez Maturano, J. (2018). THE SUPPLY CHAINS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 20(2), 37–56.


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