Various studies indicate that the learning of students in higher education, both in Chile and in other parts of the world, is influenced by the educational environ- ment in which the students are immersed (Hardiman, 2012). The objective is to explore the perception of students about the educational environment in a health school in Santiago de Chile, with a quantitative research approach design; of a descriptive, transactional type. The instrument (DREEM) has international vali- dation and validation in Chile. The population corresponds to 1460 undergradu- ate students. The sample consisted of 230 participating students, representing 15.06% of the estimated total population of students enrolled in 2021. The study has the approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee No. 282.2020 and has fol- low-up report No. 555.2022. The results show 5 strong items and 14 problematic ones. Conclusion: The exploration allows us to systematise student perceptions from validated and relevant instruments for decision-making with a focus on the quality of the student experience as part of the educational management model in health training careers to improve quality. of the educational service


  • Claudio Sanhueza Mansilla Universidad Andrés Bello, Fernández Concha 700, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
  • Ingrid Estay Rojas Universidad Diego Portales, Vergara 210, Santiago, Chile
  • Valentina Herrera González Universidad Diego Portales, Vergara 210, Santiago, Chile



Pedagogical beliefs, Initial training, Teacher identity, Autobiographical narration


Several investigations have delved into the relationship between the personal representations and epistemologies that teachers have with their performance and professional
development, as well as the weak impact that initial training has on their sophistication or lasting transformation. In this scenario, the present study is a qualitative research whose objective is to know the beliefs about teaching and learning held by first-year student teachers. The data collection technique was based on autobiographical narratives and interviews with students of Basic Pedagogy, English and Kindergarten Education at a private university in Santiago de Chile.
Subsequently, a biographical-narrative approach was used to analyze their pre-training trajectories, revealing the situated development of existing beliefs already in the first year of entry to the pedagogical training programs. The results show a direct influence of the school trajectory
on the formation of beliefs and the configuration of their teaching identity. Based on this, it is proposed to strengthen the narration and analysis of these previous experiences as a strategy for knowledge and modification of beliefs in initial training.


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How to Cite

Sanhueza Mansilla, C. ., Estay Rojas, I., & Herrera González, V. (2023). Various studies indicate that the learning of students in higher education, both in Chile and in other parts of the world, is influenced by the educational environ- ment in which the students are immersed (Hardiman, 2012). The objective is to explore the perception of students about the educational environment in a health school in Santiago de Chile, with a quantitative research approach design; of a descriptive, transactional type. The instrument (DREEM) has international vali- dation and validation in Chile. The population corresponds to 1460 undergradu- ate students. The sample consisted of 230 participating students, representing 15.06% of the estimated total population of students enrolled in 2021. The study has the approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee No. 282.2020 and has fol- low-up report No. 555.2022. The results show 5 strong items and 14 problematic ones. Conclusion: The exploration allows us to systematise student perceptions from validated and relevant instruments for decision-making with a focus on the quality of the student experience as part of the educational management model in health training careers to improve quality. of the educational service. Higher Education Teaching Congress CODES, 5.