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Galo Eduardo Paiva Cravero
Magaly Andrea Sandoval Díaz


The objective of this work is to determine the entrepreneurial attitude of the students of the University of La Frontera. The GUESSS survey was used, with 564 valid questionnaires applied, 8% said they wanted to start at the end of their career. The results show that there is not really an entrepreneurial environment in the University. The students positively value being an entrepreneur, however, the attitude of those who stated to undertake at the end of their career is superior to those who wish to be employed. The recommendation of the study is that the University of La Frontera must strengthen its entrepreneurship programs to increase the entrepreneurial intention of its students.


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Paiva Cravero, G. E., & Sandoval Díaz, M. A. (2017). ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITUDE IN STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LA FRONTERA. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 19(2), 2–10. https://doi.org/10.15443/RUTA2023983


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