La pedagogía comprensivo edificadora y sus fundamentos

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Elvis Campos Palacios


The construct of edifying understanding has been worked on for a long time by a significant number of authors, from different Latin American countries, led by Dr. Julio César Arboleda. This proposal is nourished by diverse perspectives such as the radical and inclusive perspective, pedagogy of alterity and mesoaxiological pedagogy. This proposal aims to generate opportunities and capacities to dignify education, which requires establishing otric relationships in the act of educating.
This article aims to expose the foundations that nourish it and the visions of professionals from different epistemic positions who find valid reasons to support Arboleda's proposal.

The edifying understanding, like related perspectives, distances itself from the competency-based approach, a paradigm institutionalized by the global world, in which the latter represents a construct that guides the generation of capacities to train individuals who, from knowledge, can contribute to the world of today, often dominated by the prevailing need to have specialized and efficient labor.
This pedagogy seeks to advance the idea that the world we live in needs educational institutions that include the implementation of this approach in their projects. This state to which we have arrived needs human beings who learn to live in a more human way, to perform, in the world of the market, of the global knowledge society, with an edifying attitude, even with efficiency and effectiveness, but without the mission of perpetuate profitability, but, on the contrary, to train people who contribute to the construction of new scenarios that ensure the development of suitable, supportive, ethical and critical, reflective, creative, inclusive, proactive beings.


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Campos Palacios, E. (2022). La pedagogía comprensivo edificadora y sus fundamentos. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 24(I).


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