Tik-Tok como herramienta de comunicación publicitaria: un estudio de caso

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Cristian Muñoz Catalán
Su-Lin Andrea Chea Gajardo
Catalina Alejandra Velasco Marambio


The ways of communicating between audiences and brands in the digital environment has led to the development of the "social web" where internet users actively take part in the communicative processes, such as production and reception of diverse files. Within a wide spectrum of platforms dedicated to this, there is the social network Tik Tok where virtual communities and advertising collide. This research explores the communicational situation of advertisements in TikTok of the brands Pepsi and Bilz and Pap in Chile with the aim of creating a guide to help contribute to the development of new brands and dynamic entrepreneurship in the national territory, and especially in the Coquimbo region, so that in this way SMEs can know and update their communicational strategy and achieve the expected reach, sales and visibility. Therefore, we resorted to a non-experimental design that was applied in a transversal manner, using the method of "case study" of the brands aforementioned during the months February - May 2021, as a window that allows an exploratory approach to the phenomenon that involves the emergence of Tik Tok and influencers as recent components in advertising communication. Additionally, the research was developed according to the methodological mixed approach, it was tried to use a method developed according to the needs of the study including the analysis of data of both quantitative and qualitative nature, where it was proven that Tik Tok is indeed a viable means to communicate effectively and achieve a significant reach and influence, becoming a useful and affordable tool for small and medium-sized local dynamic enterprises.


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Muñoz Catalán, C. ., Chea Gajardo, S.-L. A., & Velasco Marambio, C. A. (2022). Tik-Tok como herramienta de comunicación publicitaria: un estudio de caso. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 24(I). https://doi.org/10.15443/RUTA20231694


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