Marketing y teoría de juegos, herramientas de enseñanza superior. Caso carrera de Comunicación Organizacional - UCE

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Jorge G. Delgado Rocha
Arturo V. Estrella Osorio


Incorporation of a variety of teaching techniques facilítate Liaoning in university classrooms. Marketing and game theory were used in the study related to the communication degree program, motivating the group of students from different subjects in their last semesters to work together on teams to gain more knowledge and a practical, realistic view of the challenges that they will have to face in their professional lives.

The benefits of learning through group activities are evidenced within the Communications degree program, with a minor in Organizational Communication in that faculty of Ecuador's Central University. The groups had practical problem solving experiences in controlled spaces (classrooms) with the required guidance by professors.

The methodology was based on Shark Tank-type dynamics, group discussions, and case studies. A structured survey was then applied (using a Likert scale), and they identified greater satisfaction in the learning process in comparison to more traditional classroom environments, and walked away having built practical professional tools and knowledge for future professional experiences. The analysis included five categories related to both learning and knowledge for the future.


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How to Cite
Delgado Rocha, J. G., & Estrella Osorio, A. V. (2020). Marketing y teoría de juegos, herramientas de enseñanza superior. Caso carrera de Comunicación Organizacional - UCE. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 22(II), 3–20.


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