Communication as an articulating pivot in the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage

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Arlyn Estefania Orellana Mcbride
Daniela Belén Aguilera Aguirre
María del Pilar Villar Castillo
Bastian Patricio Salfate Kastner


This research has to do with the elements of social communication that are present  in the interpretation of the natural and cultural heritage of  the Humbolt Penguin Reserve (Coquimbo Region), as well as a systemic understanding of  this relationship in order to successfully deliver the message. Therefore, we have taken into account what a national reserve means, in a locality where most of its inhabitants have tourism and artisanal fisheries as the basis for the development of the locality, as well as the source of their opportunities.

The objectives are to analyze and understand the relationship of the territory, in which the natural and cultural heritage converge, with the wellbeing of a community, as well as the role of communication in this symbiotic relationship. There is an urgent need to develop scientific, technical and institutional capacities that develop a basic understanding capable of planning appropriate measures related to the care and preservation of biodiversity. And, we add, if this not communicated, it will not be feasible to achieve the determined objectives.


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How to Cite
Orellana Mcbride, A. E., Aguilera Aguirre, D. B., Villar Castillo, M. del P., & Salfate Kastner, B. P. (2020). Communication as an articulating pivot in the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. Revista Universitaria Ruta, 22(1), 72–83.


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