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This article is a product of a chapter in the investigative work titled “El directivo como psicoanalista: desde el ejercicio teórico”, which suggests that the executive must understand that individuals work for themselves, but create impressions fit for others and their different world views. As such, desire, being the driving force of the psyche, is born from laws and regulations. The executive must then see himself as the bearer of laws which liberate desire as, in management, both the analyst and the analysed are factors to facilitate new constructs. From there, the work seeks to contribute to the theoretical development of the human sciences within management, approaching desire of the individual within an organisation as the main theme. With this background, the investigation proposes a reflexion, and highlight the issues around the existing power relationship between the executive and the employee, from the perspective of the human guided by power, and the importance of viewing the executive from an analyst perspective so he may intervene in these relationships. For this purpose, bibliographic references were included with psychoanalytic inclinations based on Freudian theory. Among these can be found: Alomo, (2014), Bustos, (2016), Coll-Planas, (2009), Guattari, (2006), Lacan, (2008), López, (2013), Mumby, (2000), Restrepo, (2010). This to give another look of analysis, which starts from the understanding of the human and social phenomenon of business organizations. And that allows us to find, among other results, that guiding the desire to listen and analysis involves long training processes that are achieved with the acquired experiences that refine the listening to the discourses, and, where the desire can be considered a factory of autonomous, responsible, unfinished and under construction individuals with the capacity to build and develop any project.
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