Vol. 3 (2021): Experiences, proposals, and challenges of teaching and learning in the new pregraduate and postgraduate scenarios 24 y 25 de Noviembre La Serena, Chile

This abstract book corresponds to the third version of the Congress, CODES 2021, whose central theme was "Experiences, proposals, and challenges of teaching and learning in the new pregraduate and postgraduate scenarios". This third version, like the second, was conducted remotely.

In this third edition, a session on socio-emotional skills and mental health was introduced, a topic that has gained strength in the academic community due to the confinement of both students and teachers. Highlights included presentations and discussions on Evaluation systems and monitoring of learning processes; Integration of ICT in the training process; Interdisciplinarity in training and curricular innovation; Inclusion, Disability, Gender, Interculturality, and Human Rights.

Published: 2024-04-18