Electoral effervescence on a bus: didactic strategy of student journalistic coverage in real time


  • Mariechen Wüst Picado Universidad de Costa Rica




Experiencia Pedagógica, Universidad, Medios de Comunicación de Masas, Política, Democracia


Didactic strategy of journalistic coverage carried out in the electoral processes of Costa Rica in 2022, which consisted of the design and application of two tours on a bus, called Electoral Caravan ECCC CR 2022. Students of the Mass Communication Sciences (ECCC) career of the University of Costa Rica (UCR), national and foreign, participated, some of whom had not previously participated in democratic electoral processes in their countries of origin. Each activity included the following steps: 1. Pre-production of the strategy. 2. Induction for participants. 3. General production. 4. Review and publication of pro-
duced materials. 5. Consultations with students and analysis of the results. The experiences and skills obtained by the direct immersion in the field of work con-
stituted the main learnings of the tours, defined as: the speed to make decisions, real-time application of classroom contents, and motivation for participation in democratic processes.


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How to Cite

Wüst Picado, M. . (2023). Electoral effervescence on a bus: didactic strategy of student journalistic coverage in real time. Higher Education Teaching Congress CODES, 5. https://doi.org/10.15443/codes1987