Using the phases of the Solt approach in a Physics remote Laboratory Innovation


  • Carlos Pineida Guzmán Universidad Andrés Bello, República 237, Santiago, Chile
  • Emilio Castro-Navarro Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Dieciocho 145, Santiago, Chile
  • Eduardo Carrasco Henríquez Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, J.P. Alessandri 774, Ñuñoa, Chile
  • Janeth Valecillos Pereira Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Dieciocho 145, Santiago, Chile
  • Francisco Jofré Universidad Central, Toesca 1783, Santiago, Chile
  • Jarnishs Beltrán Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins, Avenida Viel 1497, Santiago, Chile



Experiencia de laboratorio, Enseñanza a Distancia, Física, Innovación Pedagógica


The systematization of the innovation process developed in the subject of Experimental Physics, in Engineering careers, is presented. This innovation process responds specifically to the need to massify physics laboratory experiences for first-year engineering students with a low cost of resources. It contemplates the application of three moments of experimentation with synchronous and asynchronous digital support. Various cognitive activities are implemented, including: Plenary discussion of experiences in the production of knowledge, video analysis, and experiment development. These activities make it possible to strengthen the students' ability to understand the phases of the physical phenomena modeling cycle. Through the Solt approach, it was possible to systematize the initial design in light of the implementation carried out in 2020.
First-year students from three sections of Experimental Physics of the Universidad Andrés Bello, in Chile, were considered as a sample for this study.
The strengths and aspects of improvement necessary in the implementation of a remote laboratory model considering experiential learning are described.


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How to Cite

Pineida Guzmán, C. ., Castro-Navarro, E. ., Carrasco Henríquez, E. ., Valecillos Pereira, J. ., Jofré, F. ., & Beltrán, . J. . . (2023). Using the phases of the Solt approach in a Physics remote Laboratory Innovation. Higher Education Teaching Congress CODES, 5.