Inverted classroom: analysis of the experience of teachers teaching mathematics and statistics


  • Xiomara Carrillo Montoya Universidad Técnica Nacional, sede Guanacaste, Costa Rica.



aula invertida, docentes, capacitación, actividades de clase, resolución de problemas


The article analyzes the perception of teachers of mathematics and statistics at the National Technical University, on the knowledge, application, and perception of the inverted classroom methodology for the development of soft skills. The main objective is to determine the lack of training of teachers in the face of changes in the educational model to achieve quality education, i.e., teachers are able to recognize their methodological weaknesses and are willing to update, train and acquire skills in the technological area according to the demands of a changing student population. 

The study had a mixed approach, an exploratory scope, and used a digital questionnaire applied with convenience sampling, on a total population of 9 teachers.

The pedagogical innovation in the learning processes and the knowledge transmitted with the result obtained is evidence that this methodology is used by all teachers in all courses. It should be noted that the application of the inverted classroom alone does not guarantee the improvement of academic performance since teachers do not have the knowledge or adequate training for the correct use of the inverted classroom.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Montoya, . X. . (2023). Inverted classroom: analysis of the experience of teachers teaching mathematics and statistics. Higher Education Teaching Congress CODES, 5.