Contribution of the teaching of robotics through playful workshops to rehabilitation therapies against drug addictions


  • José Alexander Zambrano García Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil, Ecuador



Adolescente, Drogadicción, Robótica, Rehabilitación, Terapia


This study was carried out in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador in the San Juan Pablo II Therapeutic Community, which is dedicated to the rehabilitation of male adolescents addicted to drugs. Playful Robotics workshops were implemented for a group of 13 patients between 12 and 17 years of age. These workshops included the mechanical and electronic design of different educational robots using the software for it, as well as its assembly and commissioning.

In this study it is proposed to establish if these workshops contribute to the the rapy for the rehabilitation of adolescents against drug addiction. The research methodology was qualitative, that is, through the results of surveys of the actors in this study, it will be possible to conclude on the main premise. It was proposed
to evaluate the possible improvements in attitudes, aptitudes and emotional states during the implementation of the workshops and thus validate the contribution to
The results of this study may be verified by other investigations to validate this therapeutic strategy for the benefit of the rehabilitation of the adolescent popula-
tion addicted to drugs and thus it could be replicated in other similar centers.


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How to Cite

Zambrano García, J. A. . (2023). Contribution of the teaching of robotics through playful workshops to rehabilitation therapies against drug addictions. Higher Education Teaching Congress CODES, 5.